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S1000D - Army Equipment Support Publications (AESP)

- Friday, 7th June 2024

Development updates:

  19th June 2024 - Chapter - Table of Contents
  24th July 2024 - Sample PDF files

We are currently extending our Docuneering S1000D Print & Publish solutions to include the UK MoD Army Equipment Support Publications (AESP) as defined in UK MoD Def-Stan 00-601 Part 3 and Part 4.

(Click image to enlarge)

S1000D - UK MoD Army Equipment Support Publications (AESP)

S1000D - UK MoD Army Equipment Support Publications (AESP)

Stylesheet Development Progress

Our main focus has been on understanding the layout rules for the different Heading levels (Heading 1 through to 5) and the paragraph numbering at these different heading levels. We have also spending about 50% of our time creating test data to ensure the auto-numbering works as expected.

(Click image to enlarge)

S1000D - UK MoD Army Equipment Support Publications (AESP) - Preface


S1000D - UK MoD Army Equipment Support Publications (AESP) - Octad Table

Octad Table

S1000D - UK MoD Army Equipment Support Publications (AESP) - Headings to level 5

Headings to level 5

Same Test Data - Different lenses (End User vs Developer)

(Click image to enlarge)

S1000D - UK MoD Army Equipment Support Publications (AESP) - What the User sees

What the End User sees

S1000D - UK MoD Army Equipment Support Publications (AESP) - What the Developer sees

What our Developer sees

- UPDATE: Wednesday, 19th June 2024

Chapter - Table of Contents

The AESP Heading structure is a bit unusual but once you understand the rules:

(Click image to enlarge)

S1000D - UK MoD Army Equipment Support Publications (AESP) - Chapter Table of Contents

Chapter - Table of Contents

S1000D - UK MoD Army Equipment Support Publications (AESP) - Chapter Table of Contents (continued)

Chapter - Table of Contents (continued)

- UPDATE: Wednesday, 24th July 2024

Sample PDF files

Instead of displaying individual pages from our S1000D to AESP stylesheets, we have decided to make our TEST/DEMO output available for the community to review:

(Click image to open PDF file)

S1000D - UK MoD Army Equipment Support Publications (AESP) - Chapter Table of Contents

AESP 2320-D-128-101
(A4 layout)

S1000D - UK MoD Army Equipment Support Publications (AESP) - Chapter Table of Contents (continued)

AESP 2320-D-128-201
(A5 layout)

These AESP TEST/DEMO PDF publications were released by the UK MoD under a Freedom of Information request ( and are being used by Docuneering during development to replicate a "real" AESP structure and layout.

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