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XML Character Entities

- Thursday, 1st April 2021

S1000D v4.2 Chap 3.9.5 – 2.7.1 [Page 401]

[Quote start] "Some characters required for data modules are not available on a computer keyboard, for example, degrees, fractions and Greek letters. These characters are made available on XML systems by substituting a character entity for the required character." [Quote End]

It is important that your S1000D Authoring, Printing and Publishing system outputs the correct character for each of the ISO Entities as defined in your S1000D specification version.

All of our Docuneering S1000D Print & Publishing Solutions support the full ISO 8879:1986 XML Character Entities list as defined in each of the S1000D specification versions.

If you get it wrong, then the Printed/Published output will look something like this:

Missing characters are substituted with the hash (#) symbol:

Docuneering - XML Character Entities - When you get it WRONG

When you get it right, the Printed/Published output will look like this:

Docuneering - XML Character Entities - When you get it RIGHT

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