News & Blogs

Docuneering - News & Blogs

S1000D - Army Equipment Support Publications (AESP)

- Friday, 7th June 2024

(***UPDATE: Wednesday, 19th June 2024***)

Publish your S1000D Issue 4.1 Data Modules to the UK MoD Army Equipment Support Publication (AESP) layout as defined in UK MoD Def-Stan 00-601 Part 3 and Part 4...

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Open Source - S1000D BREX to Schematron

- Tuesday, 18th June 2024

We had a bit of spare time, this morning, so we added support for the older S1000D issues to our Open Source S1000D BREX to Schematron XSL stylesheets on GitHub.

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S1000D - Airplane Flight Manual (GAMA Spec No. 1)

- Tuesday, 21st May 2024

Publish your S1000D Issue 4.2 Data Modules to an Airplane Flight Manual (AFM) PDF file with the GAMA Specification No. 1 layout...

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Visual S1000D Publication Module Builder

- Friday, 19th April 2024

For a while now, we have been looking for something to help us construct our S1000D Publication Module files. We found this FREE solution and thought it could be of interest to the wider S1000D Community.

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S1000D_Lite Authoring - BREX Validation

- Tuesday, 7th November 2023

Arbortext Editor can be configured to validate your SGML and XML source data using Schematron. Why not turn your BREX file into something a little more usable.

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S1000D_Lite Authoring - Multiple Languages (i18n)

- Tuesday, 10th October 2023

It is still in the early stages of development but all of our S1000D_Lite Screen FOSI's will be configured to automatically detect the user's system language and then display auto-generated text in that same language.

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